Terms & Conditions

These terms and conditions ("The Terms") govern your use of the Fluke SDK. By enabling the Fluke SDK, you expressly agree to adhere to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. If you do not consent to these terms, refrain from enabling the Fluke SDK. The Fluke SDK and the website flukeproxy.com ("The Website") are owned and operated by AGORA İNTERNATİONAL AGENCY ("The Company").

  • 1. Liability disclaimer

    1.1. The content on the Website is provided without assurances, conditions, or warranties regarding its accuracy. The Company does not assert the accuracy or completeness of information on the Website, and reliance on such information is not recommended. Any interactions between you and individuals mentioned or using the Website are undertaken at your sole risk.

    To the maximum extent allowed by law, we and our affiliates disclaim:

    • All implied conditions, warranties, and terms.
    • Liability for user losses related to the Website.
    • Responsibility for system or tool bugs.
    • Liability for direct, special, indirect, or consequential user losses.
  • 2. Specifications

    2.1. Container Application means the application that you have downloaded and installed. The installation of the Container Application includes the concurrent installation of the Fluke SDK.

    2.2. The Fluke SDK denotes software embedded within the Container Application. Activation of the Fluke SDK permits it to utilize your available device resources solely during idle periods, when CPU utilization is sufficiently low to avoid impacting user experience or the performance of concurrently running applications, to collect publicly available information on the Internet.

  • 3. Limits of use

    3.1. Age Requirement: the usage of the Fluke SDK is restricted to individuals who are at least 16 years old and meet the legal age criteria specified by the applicable jurisdiction. By enabling the Fluke SDK, you affirm and warrant that you meet the aforementioned legal age requirement.

    3.2. Restrictions: you hereby undertake not to and shall refrain from authorizing others to engage in any other form of commercial exploitation of the SDK. Additionally, you shall not make the SDK accessible to any third party.

  • 4. Enhancements

    4.1. The Company retains the absolute prerogative to modify, suspend, or terminate the SDK or any associated service. These modifications may be implemented with or without prior notice, and the Company assumes no liability toward you for such actions.

  • 5. Terms

    5.1. Duration: these Terms will persist in effect until it is terminated by either party, whether by your action or by the Company.

    5.2. The Company, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to suspend or terminate these Terms at any time, for any reason or without providing a reason, with or without prior notice.

    5.3. Immediate Termination: these Terms will terminate immediately, without prior notice from the Company, in the event of your failure to comply with any provision contained herein. You may terminate the Terms by opting out through the Container Application settings or by deleting the Container Application and all associated copies from your device.

  • 6. Severability

    6.1. In the event that any provision of the Terms is considered unenforceable or invalid, said provision shall be amended and construed to fulfill its objectives to the greatest extent allowable under the relevant legal framework. The remaining provisions shall remain fully valid and operational.

  • 7. Changes to the Terms

    7.1. Sole Discretion: the Company retains the exclusive authority, at its sole discretion, to modify or substitute these Terms at any juncture.

  • 8. Entire agreement

    8.1. By enabling the Fluke SDK, you also expressly agree to abide by our Privacy Policy and other terms presented on the Website.

  • 9. Applicable law

    9.1. The Terms, along with any dispute or claim, whether contractual or non-contractual, arising from or related to it, its subject matter, or formation, shall be subject to and interpreted in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Each party unequivocally agrees that the courts of Singapore shall possess exclusive jurisdiction for the resolution of any dispute or claim, be it contractual or non-contractual, arising from or associated with these Terms, its subject matter, or formation.

  • 10. Contact information

    10.1. For inquiries regarding access, correction, complaint registration, or additional information, please reach out to us at the following address: contact@flukeproxy.com.

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